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The Simplest Pregnancy Book in the World: The Illustrated, Grab-and-Do Guide for a Healthy, Happy Pregnancy and Childbirth Paperback – Illustrated, August

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As a new mother it is distressing, not even knowing where to start.

You hear a bombardment of information, which honestly only generates more doubts.

The first thing I wanted to know was how to take care of myself, not just the baby, so that it would grow as healthy as possible inside me.

If not me too, I didn't want to gain 30 kilograms during pregnancy, or bloat, get hemorrhoids, or stretch marks all over my stomach.

It was because of this, that since I found out I was pregnant, I began to research and study.

After my first child was born, I dedicated three more years of my life to continue studying and writing this book.

When I got pregnant for the second time, I applied all my acquired knowledge and the result was amazing, both for me and for my baby.

To give you an idea, my pregnancies were something like this:

-With my first pregnancy I did not get stretch marks, hemorrhoids, nor did I have any discomfort, I gained 12 kilograms throughout the pregnancy, but my baby weighed 2,700kg, and obtained an Apgar score. of 7.

Four years later of researching and writing this book, I gained 6 kilograms throughout the pregnancy, I stayed active, without any discomfort, and my baby weighed 3,500kg, and obtained an Apgar score of 10.

And although I have no degree in medicine, I want to share all these TIPS, which come from long research, sleepless nights, my own experience, and from more than 100 women who have been mothers, who helped me through Instagram and Facebook to answer questions about pregnancy , and the birth that we all go through.

To help future mothers have a pregnancy and recovery from sleep.

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The Simplest Pregnancy Book in the World: The Illustrated, Grab-and-Do Guide for a Healthy, Happy Pregnancy and Childbirth Paperback – Illustrated, August

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